A parte le dimensioni - che piĆ¹ o meno eguagliano quelle di certi centri commerciali italiani medi - quello che mi meraviglia ĆØ la varietĆ di prodotti che ci potete trovare al loro interno.
Interi reparti dedicati a biscotti di ogni forma e dimensione, scaffali su scaffali di merendine dalle farciture piĆ¹ svariate, per non parlare delle barrette di cioccolato..c'ĆØ davvero da perdersi tra tutti gli abbinamenti e i mix di sapori proposti!
I reparti della carne e del pesce sono tra quelli piĆ¹ interessanti: ci potete trovare le bistecche speciali di Aberdeen Angus, l'arrosto di manzo dalla fattoria locale, ma anche le polpette svedesi, l'arrosto di tacchino, pronto per essere infornato, o i filetti di salmone minuziosamente spinati e pronti per il barbecue. Per non parlare della sezione "bibite": acque aromatizzate al tĆØ verde e mirtillo, alla fragola, alla pesca, succhi di frutta frizzanti, edizioni speciali della Coca Cola alle clementine, alla cannella, alle ciliegie..
Insomma, quello che potete trovarci ĆØ davvero infinito - e, almeno personalmente, mai visto prima - quindi ho deciso di inaugurare una nuova "rubrica" in cui vi descrivo le cose piĆ¹ particolari, e introvabili in Italia, che, di volta in volta, mi capiterĆ di acquistare al supermercato perchĆØ si, ho intenzione di provarle tutte! š
Si, queste sono proprio le caramelle a cui JK Rowling si ĆØ ispirata per creare le "gelatine tuttigusti+1" in Harry Potter. La differenza ĆØ che queste hanno dei sapori un po' piĆ¹ normali, come mirtillo, kiwi, cioccolato fondente, margarita, melograno, vaniglia, banana, cocco..in piĆ¹ sulla confezione potete trovare dei suggerimenti davvero interessanti sui sapori che si ottengono mixando tra di loro due o piĆ¹ gelatine..š
Sostanzialmente sono fiocchi d'avena al cioccolato da preparare al microonde. Non so se in Italia esiste qualcosa di simile (fatemelo sapere, eventualmente) ma personalmente l'idea di una colazione a base di fiocchi d'avena caldi la trovo molto anglosassone. Questo dish "is not my cup of tea" come dicono - molto cortesemente - gli inglesi..il sapore ĆØ molto neutro e blando: sostanzialmente non sanno di niente š e la consistenza non mi entusiasma molto.
Costo 1.25 Ā£
Se mi seguite su Instagram li avrete giĆ visti: questi biscotti sono una specialitĆ scozzese che, volendo paragonare a qualcosa di conosciuto in Italia, azzarderei le Macine della Mulino Bianco. Sono burrosi e fragranti, ideali da inzuppare nel latte caldo perchĆØ lo assorbono senza sbriciolarsi. Sono i primi biscotti che ho usato per fare colazione appena arrivata, e li trovo davvero ottimi!
Costo 1 Ā£
Questo latte - che potete trovare al gusto di mandorla, nocciole o cocco - ĆØ un latte senza latte š nel senso che come primo ingrediente c'ĆØ l'acqua. Finora l'ho bevuto solo freddo, ma la confezione suggerisce di gustarlo anche caldo, aggiunto al tĆØ o al caffĆØ. Un'ottima bevanda per i vegetariani.
Tra i tre, il mio preferito ĆØ quello alla mandorla.
Costo 0.95 Ā£
Questo ĆØ uno dei dolci tipici inglesi: una sponge cake molto burrosa, con all'interno zucchero di canna e datteri, ricoperta di crema al caramello..tremendamente e squisitamente dolce! Riscaldata al microonde - e in piccole dosi! - rappresenta una coccola da fine pasto perfetta per le serate fredde e uggiose.
Personalmente preferisco la versione al cioccolato, meno dolce e piĆ¹ "avvolgente"..una vera delizia!
Costo 2.65 Ā£
Trovare le Yankee Candle al supermercato ĆØ stata una vera sorpresa per me, soprattutto dopo aver visto il loro prezzo! C'ĆØ da dire che si tratta di una linea diversa - home ispiration, appunto - che perĆ² non ha niente di meno della versione "classica": l'unica differenza consiste nel design piĆ¹ essenziale (il coperchio in vetro delle jar ĆØ liscio anzichĆ© con il logo stampato in rilievo) e nel prezzo, molto piĆ¹ affordable!
La fragranza che ho scelto io viene descritta come "a mix of soft petals and violet water": quello che posso dirvi ĆØ che ĆØ molto delicata e sa di fresco, con un vago sentore floreale che, perĆ², non riesco a distinguere nettamente.
Ma soprattutto era in offerta a 7Ā£!
Per questa spesa ĆØ tutto miei cari, ci aggiorniamo alla prossima visita da Asda-Walmart! š
Avete mai provato qualcuno di questi prodotti? Quale, tra questi descritti, vi attira di piĆ¹?
One of the things I'm starting appreciating, here in England, are supermarkets.
Apart from their sizes - that almost matches those of some medium italian shopping centres - what get me astound is the variety of items that you can find inside them.
Whole departments dedicated to biscuits of all shapes and sizes, shelves on shelves of snacks with the most varied fillings, not to mention the chocolate bars..you can get lost among all the combinations and mix of flavors offered!
Meat and fish departments are one of the most interesting: you can find special Aberdeen Angus Steak, roast beef from the local farm, but also Swedish meatballs or roast turkey ready to be baked, or salmon fillets carely minced and ready for the barbecue. Not to mention the "drinks" section: waters flavored with green tea and blueberry, strawberry, peach, sparkling fruit juices, clementines, cinnamon, cherries special edition Coca Cola..
In short, what you can find is truly infinite - and, at least personally, never seen before - so I decided to inaugurate a new "column" in which I describe the most particular things, which cannot be found in Italy, which, from time to time, I will buy at the supermarket because yes, I am going to try them all! š
Yes, these are just the candies that JK Rowling was inspired to create the "every flavour beans" in Harry Potter. The difference is that these have slightly more normal flavors, such as blueberry, kiwi, dark chocolate, margarita, pomegranate, vanilla, banana, coconut...more, on the package you can find really interesting suggestions on the flavors that you can get by mixing together two or more jellies..š
Basically they are chocolate oatmeal to be cooked in the microwave. I don't know if there is anything similar in Italy (let me know, eventually) but personally I find the idea of āāa breakfast based on hot oat flakes very Anglo-Saxon. This dish "is not my cup of tea" as they say..the taste is very neutral and bland: basically they have no taste at all š and the consistency does not excite me much.
Cost 1.25 Ā£
If you follow me on Instagram you will have already seen them: these biscuits are a Scottish specialty that, wanting to compare them to something known in Italy, I would venture the Macine by Mulino Bianco. They are buttery and fragrant, ideal to be soaked in hot milk because they absorb it without crumbling. These are the first biscuits I used to have breakfast as soon as I arrived, and I find them really excellent!
Cost Ā£ 1
This milk - which you can find with almond, hazelnut or coconut flavor - is a milk without milk š in the sense that water is the first ingredient. So far I have only drunk it cold, but the packaging suggests that it can also be enjoyed hot, added to tea or coffee. An excellent drink for vegetarians.
Of the three, my favorite is the almond one.
Cost Ā£ 0.95
This is one of the typical English desserts: a very buttery sponge cake, with brown sugar and dates inside, covered with caramel cream.. wonderfully and deliciously sweet! Heated in the microwave - and in small doses! - it represents a perfect after-meal pampering for cold and gloomy evenings.
Personally I prefer the chocolate version, less sweet.. a real treat!
Cost 2.65 Ā£
Finding the Yankee Candles in the supermarket was a real surprise for me, especially after seeing their price! It must be said that it is a different line - home inspiration, in fact - which however has nothing less than the "classic" version: the only difference consists in the more essential design (the glass lid of the jars is smooth instead of with the logo printed in relief) and in the price, much more affordable!
The fragrance that I chose is described as "a mix of soft petals and violet water": what I can tell you is that it is very delicate and tastes fresh, with a vague floral scent that, however, I cannot clearly distinguish.
But above all it was on offer at Ā£ 7!
And that's all my dear, we will update you at the next visit from Asda-Walmart! š
Have you ever tried any of these products? Which, among these described, attracts you most?
Apart from their sizes - that almost matches those of some medium italian shopping centres - what get me astound is the variety of items that you can find inside them.
Whole departments dedicated to biscuits of all shapes and sizes, shelves on shelves of snacks with the most varied fillings, not to mention the chocolate bars..you can get lost among all the combinations and mix of flavors offered!
Meat and fish departments are one of the most interesting: you can find special Aberdeen Angus Steak, roast beef from the local farm, but also Swedish meatballs or roast turkey ready to be baked, or salmon fillets carely minced and ready for the barbecue. Not to mention the "drinks" section: waters flavored with green tea and blueberry, strawberry, peach, sparkling fruit juices, clementines, cinnamon, cherries special edition Coca Cola..
In short, what you can find is truly infinite - and, at least personally, never seen before - so I decided to inaugurate a new "column" in which I describe the most particular things, which cannot be found in Italy, which, from time to time, I will buy at the supermarket because yes, I am going to try them all! š
Yes, these are just the candies that JK Rowling was inspired to create the "every flavour beans" in Harry Potter. The difference is that these have slightly more normal flavors, such as blueberry, kiwi, dark chocolate, margarita, pomegranate, vanilla, banana, coconut...more, on the package you can find really interesting suggestions on the flavors that you can get by mixing together two or more jellies..š
Basically they are chocolate oatmeal to be cooked in the microwave. I don't know if there is anything similar in Italy (let me know, eventually) but personally I find the idea of āāa breakfast based on hot oat flakes very Anglo-Saxon. This dish "is not my cup of tea" as they say..the taste is very neutral and bland: basically they have no taste at all š and the consistency does not excite me much.
Cost 1.25 Ā£
If you follow me on Instagram you will have already seen them: these biscuits are a Scottish specialty that, wanting to compare them to something known in Italy, I would venture the Macine by Mulino Bianco. They are buttery and fragrant, ideal to be soaked in hot milk because they absorb it without crumbling. These are the first biscuits I used to have breakfast as soon as I arrived, and I find them really excellent!
Cost Ā£ 1
This milk - which you can find with almond, hazelnut or coconut flavor - is a milk without milk š in the sense that water is the first ingredient. So far I have only drunk it cold, but the packaging suggests that it can also be enjoyed hot, added to tea or coffee. An excellent drink for vegetarians.
Of the three, my favorite is the almond one.
Cost Ā£ 0.95
This is one of the typical English desserts: a very buttery sponge cake, with brown sugar and dates inside, covered with caramel cream.. wonderfully and deliciously sweet! Heated in the microwave - and in small doses! - it represents a perfect after-meal pampering for cold and gloomy evenings.
Personally I prefer the chocolate version, less sweet.. a real treat!
Cost 2.65 Ā£
Finding the Yankee Candles in the supermarket was a real surprise for me, especially after seeing their price! It must be said that it is a different line - home inspiration, in fact - which however has nothing less than the "classic" version: the only difference consists in the more essential design (the glass lid of the jars is smooth instead of with the logo printed in relief) and in the price, much more affordable!
The fragrance that I chose is described as "a mix of soft petals and violet water": what I can tell you is that it is very delicate and tastes fresh, with a vague floral scent that, however, I cannot clearly distinguish.
But above all it was on offer at Ā£ 7!
And that's all my dear, we will update you at the next visit from Asda-Walmart! š
Have you ever tried any of these products? Which, among these described, attracts you most?
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